Sausage is one of the favorite types of processed foods by the people. Processed foods are foods that are produced by changing the shape and taste of the original ingredients for reasons of practicality and durability. But unfortunately, some processed foods contain excess fat, sugar and salt for the body. Some processed foods are actually healthy foods. But unfortunately most of the processed foods that are well-known on the market, tend to contain excess additives, so their consumption needs to be limited. Pay attention to the following facts and guidelines so that consumption of sausages and other processed foods does not become a source of disease. Understanding the Process of Making Sausages and Processed Meat Sausages include processed meat that has gone through processing such as fumigation, salting, or adding preservatives. Generally, sausages are made from beef or chicken which are packaged into a wrap made from beef intestines or synthetic wrappers with additional seaso...